favicon Green RecykloPLast - PET Bottle Recycling

Turn your
Plastic Pet bottles
into rewards

Get Started

About Us

Creating an organized platform for waste producer and recycler, Providing every Indian an opportunity to contribute to the Plastic free Clean India

We do this by providing a sustainable solution for PET bottle & other plastic wastes at the point of consumption

Insert used Plastic PET Bottles

Insert your used plastic PET bottles at your nearby Green Recyklopst vending machine to process

Enter Required Details

While the waste process happens at the background, you can enter your details to proceed further

Take Away Rewards

You're Done! Now you will be rewarded with a value added vocuher or with a cashback for being a part of this great initiative.

Converting PET Bottle waste into Flakes

Converting PET Bottle waste into Flakes

Once the PET Bottle has been inserted into the compact automatic crushing machine it undergoes a series of process to provide the PET Flakes as a result.

After processing, the PET flakes are kept ready to be picked by Green Recyklopst team

Transporting the Flakes to the collection center

Transporting the Flakes to the collection center

Bottoles in flakes form are collected in regular intervals though vehicles appointed by Green RecykloPLast and are further transported to a common collecection point city wise.

Collection which are kept ready are further transported & processed at the vendor factory to manufacture value added products.

Waste to Value Added Products

Factory Converts the PET Flakes into Resin which is used to make the following products


Paints made from recycled plastic bottles highly results in low-VOC and are water-based paints.

T Shirts

The flakes are converted into pellets, which are then melted, extruded and spun into polyester yarn.

Dustbins and more

Plastics are further recycled to make daily usable plastic commodities with low and medium tensile strength.

Annual Impact Of 1 Reverse Vending Machine


Pet bottles can be crushed annually


Volume Reduction


Tones of waste gets recycled per year


Liters of crude oil saved per year on recycling of pet waste

Our Prestegious CLients

Over a period of time we have spread to more than 25+ cities, collaborating with prestegious Business Partners/ Associates in the industry..

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Contact Us

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India



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